Videos Search

Discover videos instantly with our Videos Search API. Provide a query, and our algorithm retrieves relevant video content and metadata from various platforms and sources.

cURL '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example response

Status Code: 200 OK

    "success": true,
    "message": "Search successfully executed.",
    "data": {
        "request_parameters": {
            "query": "\"Inspiration\"",
            "type": "videos",
            "page_size": 5,
            "current_page": 3,
            "engine": "bing"
        "result": [
                "title": "Finding Daily Inspiration for a Positive Life",
                "link": "",
                "snippet": "Learn how to find daily inspiration to keep a positive outlook on life. Simple practices that help transform your mindset.",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "duration": "10:15",
                "source": "YouTube",
                "channel": "Positive Vibes",
                "date": "Sep 10, 2023",
                "position": 1
                "title": "Inspiring Stories from Around the World",
                "link": "",
                "snippet": "Heartwarming stories of resilience and hope from people around the globe. This video will inspire and motivate you.",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "duration": "15:30",
                "source": "YouTube",
                "channel": "Global Inspiration",
                "date": "Oct 5, 2023",
                "position": 2
                "title": "Creative Inspiration for Artists",
                "link": "",
                "snippet": "Explore tips and techniques to spark your creativity as an artist. Perfect for painters, sculptors, and designers.",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "duration": "8:20",
                "source": "YouTube",
                "channel": "Artful Living",
                "date": "Jun 12, 2023",
                "position": 3
                "title": "Motivational Speech - Stay Inspired!",
                "link": "",
                "snippet": "A powerful motivational speech to help you stay inspired and achieve your goals. Perfect for mornings or tough days.",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "duration": "12:45",
                "source": "YouTube",
                "channel": "Goal Getters",
                "date": "Aug 15, 2023",
                "position": 4
                "title": "Nature as Inspiration - A Visual Journey",
                "link": "",
                "snippet": "Take a peaceful journey through the beauty of nature. A visual masterpiece to inspire and relax your mind.",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "duration": "20:05",
                "source": "YouTube",
                "channel": "Nature Wonders",
                "date": "Jul 22, 2023",
                "position": 5
    "total_credits": 120,
    "credits_used": 60.2,
    "credits_remaining": 59.8

Status code: 404 NOT FOUND

    "message": "We couldn't find the results for this query"

Last updated